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FAQs for the Honolulu Marathon

When is the Honolulu Marathon?
Sunday, December 8, 2024 starting at 5:00 AM.
The Honolulu Marathon is held annually on the second Sunday of December.


How do I enter the Honolulu Marathon?


IN PERSON:  Late Registration is available at the Honolulu Marathon Expo at the Hawaii Convention Center on the following days:

  • Thursday, December 5, 10:00 AM – 6 PM
  • Friday, December 6, 9:00 AM – 7 PM
  • Saturday, December 7, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Runners from Japan are asked to register at www.honolulumarathon.jp

Qualifying Time/Entry Limits
There are no qualifying times for the Honolulu Marathon nor are there any entry limits.

Can I get a refund or transfer to another year?
Entry fees are not-refundable and not-deferrable to next year.
See the event registration waiver

Can I change my event distance?
Yes, contact support@letsdothis.com to change distance or transfer your entry to another person. The deadline to do this is November 10.

Does the Honolulu Marathon accept Late Entries?
Yes. Late Entry Registration takes place at the Marathon Expo at the Hawaii Convention Center

How do I receive my Race Packet?
Each runner must pick up their own race packet. No one will be allowed to pick up a race number for a friend or family member. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Mandatory Race Packet Pick Up takes place during the Marathon Expo at the Hawaii Convention Center. Race Packets containing Race Number and Timing Chip will be available for pick up.
To facilitate pickup, please bring your confirmation card, which will be emailed to the address you used at registration.

How can I track a runner or find individual results?
The live results page will be published here during race week and be linked from the home page.

When does the finish line close?
The Honolulu Marathon is the only world-class marathon that allows ALL participants to finish. There is no cut-off time!

Can I walk the course?
Yes, walkers are welcome.

Are there many hills on the course?
The Honolulu Marathon course is mostly flat with the exception of Diamond Head. The highest point on the course is 124 feet above sea level near mile 9. Click here for a course description and map.

Is there a half marathon course?
Our half marathon event, The Hapalua, is in April.
We don’t have a half marathon event in December. The Start to Park 10k, a non-competitive 10K fun run/walk, will be held in conjunction with the start of the Honolulu Marathon and covers the first 10K of the marathon course. It ends in Kapiolani Park where participants may wait for their marathon-running friends and family to finish.

What sports drink and gel will be available?
Gatorade – Lemon Lime & Orange.
Gels will be available at two of  the aid stations, at 14km and 28km.

Can I carry food and water?
Yes. There will also be 16 aid stations located along the course serving water and sports drink and providing professional medical assistance.

Can I skate the course?
No. All participants must self-propel themselves without assistance. No assistance conveyances and unauthorized vehicles including bicycles, baby carriages, all forms of skates, support walkers, walking sticks, poles and canes, etc. will be allowed on the course on race day.

Can my dog run with me?
Sorry, no pets allowed, including but not limited to dogs and horses.

Can my friend run with me?
Those not officially entered and not wearing a race number are discouraged from being on the course.

Can I use earphones/headphones?

When do I get a t-shirt?
The Honolulu Marathon finisher shirt and medal are for finishers only and must be picked up at Kapiolani Park on Race Day. Look for the Finisher T-shirt Tent after you exit the finish area and pick up your t-shirt and medal because finisher shirts and medals will not be mailed.

If you’re doing the Start to Park 10k or the Kalakaua Merrie Mile, you will get your race shirt at packet pick up.

When do I get a Finisher Certificate?
You can collect your Finisher Certificate at the Hawaii Convention Center at Finisher Monday.
A digital copy can also be downloaded from the results page.

What is the weather like on Race Day?
The temperature at the start can be in the mid 60’s and climb to the low 80’s by 10:00 AM. Don’t forget to check our weather link as it gets closer to Race Day.